Rockets and JJ agree for 2023. Justin most recently comes from SMU where he played with none other than Rockets QBn Camaron Valardo. Justin has been named “All Canadian Returner” 2 years in a row and All Conference DB 2 years in a row.

You’re leaving home for an adventure in Sweden. How do you feel?
Beyond excited and curious about the new things I will be learning.
What are your expectations about Sweden?
A beautiful country with a deep culture that I am excited to learn more about.
And about Swedes?
They are good genuine people that take care of you and what to show off their love for their country.

You’ll be reuniting with QB Cameron Valardo, an old teammate from SMU. What would you say are his greatest strengths as a player?
His resilience and leadership ability, especially when its most needed he is the guy you want to be leading you and your team.
If we asked him the same question about you, what do you think he would say?
I believe he would say that am a genuine guy off the field and straight baller on it.
JJ will have a big impact on both sides of the ball. JJ is a baller that we really see as an extra spice in both offensive system but also on the defensive part. We must use all his knowledge to be able to develop as a team and as players. We also see a plus that both Cameron and JJ have a past from SMU. We see that we want to build our roster deeper with our 2 imports as a cherry on top.
HC Christian Glasnovic
What brought you to football?
Curiosity from seeing my friends and cousin play the game. I always believed I had the ability to play the game at a high level. Once I got the taste of it, I could not stop and journey is still going!
What is your favorite football memory?
My last football season at SMU. Even though the season did not end the way I would have wanted. I was able to accomplish my personal goals that I set for myself.
Do you have a message for your new teammates?
Let’s get this work in so we can celebrate at the end of the season!
Full name: Justin Julien
Age: 27
Hometown: Montreal, Quebec
Years playing: 18
Favorite position: Cornerback
Favorite football team: New York Jets
Biggest fear: Painful death
Favorite food: Pizza
A rule to live by: Stay true to yourself because that is the only person you can be
Top 3 things to do in your spare time: Photography Riding my bicycle Video games

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