This article is in both Swedish and English.
Ystad Rockets välkomnar Cameron Valardo till klubben inför säsongen 2023. Cameron kommer till oss från spel med Ours de Toulouse i den franska högsta ligan.
Vi har letat efter en spelare med erfarenhet både från spel i Europa men också med gedigen erfarenhet som coach. Och i Cameron har vi hittat båda.
H.C Christian Glasnovic
Cameron kommer att vara en stor tillgång för vårt projekt RYT där vi försöker bredda vår verksamhet samtidigt som vi erbjuder barn och unga att prova på amerikansk fotboll på skoltid. Hans erfarenhet som coach på high school och i provinslaget kommer hjälpa oss att utveckla vår förening och våra träningar.
En kortare intervju med Cameron kommer under den engelska texten.
Vi ser fram emot att se Cameron i klubbens färger på Sandskogens IP under säsongen.
We have been looking for a player with both European playing experience and substantial coaching experience. We found both in Cameron.
HC Christian Glasnovic

The Ystad Rockets welcomes Cameron Valardo to the club for the 2023 season. Cameron joins us after having played with the Ours de Toulouse in the French first division the last few seasons.
Cameron will be a great asset to our project RYT, the two main goals of the project are to grow as an organization and also to offer kids a chance to try American Football at school. His experience as a high school and provincial team coach will not only help us reach these goals, but also help us develop as a club.
We are looking forward to seeing Cameron in our colors at Sandskogens IP during the season.
A short interview with Cameron
How does it feel to come to Sweden?
I’m extremely excited! I’ve never been to any of the Nordic/Scandinavian countries and I want to learn about the culture.
What are your expectations of Ystad?
Great people and a beautiful city!
What are you most looking forward to when it comes to coming to Sweden?
Other than football seeing a new part of the world and learning about new cultures!
How long have you played?
20 years
What is your best football memory?
I’d say being the starting QB for team Canada and beating team USA in Texas.
Have you heard of the Swedish league before?
I have yes, it’s a league that alot of Europeans talk about.
Football is mainly a North American sport, how is it to come to Europe and play as an import?
It’s amazing, I love the aspect of being a player coach and traveling the world playing the sport I love.
What are your strengths as a player?
My mental ability and my arm talent.
Quick questions
Age: 25
Hometown: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Relationship: I’ve been with my girlfriend Elish for 4.5 years.
NFL team: New England Patriots
Biggest fear: Snakes…. I hate them.
Love to eat: Who doesn’t love to eat. But my favourite food is Italian food.
What are you best at? I would say I’m best at making decisions on the field and leading.